Expanding the Cohort Two Aadhyanta Accelerator Programme

Sustainable agriculture, Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Anil Parajuli and Sonam Sherpa04.12.2024
After the success of the first cohort, the Aadhyanta Accelerator Programme is entering its second cohort of business acceleration programme in Koshi Province. This second cohort saw a 160% increase in applications compared to last year, with 169 enterprises applying for the programme, 44 enterprises were women led. After a rigorous selection process, 24 businesses (4 women led) were shortlisted for the next round. The first round of induction training took place on November 14-15, 2024, where selected enterprises were introduced to the programme’s curriculum and objectives. As the programme progresses, more businesses will be equipped with the tools and knowledge needed to grow, scale, and secure investment. To learn more about the success of the First Accelerator Programme visit: Sahaj Supported Acceleration Program Nets NPR 200 million Initial funding for Five Agribusinesses - News - Site. 

Empowering Agri-Businesses for Growth and Investment

The Aadhyanta Accelerator Programme is designed to support agri-businesses at multiple levels. The first cohort had received 80 applications, out of which only 10 enterprises met the criteria for selection.

One of the standout companies from the first cohort was Khetipati OrganicsDhankuta, specializing in fruits and vegetables dehydration. Khetipati Organics has emerged as a leading enterprise in the region, working to reduce food waste and provide sustainable livelihood opportunities for local farmers.

The selected applicants of the Adhyanta Accelarator Cohort II participating in the induction program held on 14th-15th November in Birtamod.

Khetipati Organics: A Success Story of Innovation and Growth

Khetipati Organics is a prime example of how the Aadhyanta Accelerator Programme can accelerate the growth of agri-businesses in Nepal. The company currently employs 25 local farmers in Shyaule-3, Dhankuta, focuses on dehydrating seasonal fruits and vegetables, including the highly sought-after avocado. With a strong commitment to sustainability, Khetipat has already begun exporting its products to international markets, including Japan and some European countries.

Ms. Prakriti Gautam, Founder and CEO of Khetipati organics and Willi Müller, Swiss Food Expert in the factory premises of Khetipati organics, Dhankuta. 

However, like many growing businesses, Khetipati faced a significant challenge: the dehydration of avocados, a task that requires specialized techniques due to the fruit's high fat content. This is where Sahaj and Aadhyanta Accelerator Programme’s partnership came in. Through the programme's connection with Swisscontact’s Senior Expert Contact (SEC), Khetipati was able to tap into the expertise of Willi Müller, an international food processing expert. His mentorship proved invaluable in overcoming the technical challenges of avocado dehydration, enabling Khetipati to enhance its production process.

"In the time when everyone is migrating abroad, I got the chance to work in my hometown while also earning and learning new things. I am very happy to have had this opportunity."
Santosh Thapa, Manager/Farmer, Khetipati Organics
"Through my employment here I have had the chance to interact with Experts such as Willi Sir and help my family financially. This is a great opportunity for me."
Pratistha Rai, Farmer/ factory worker, Khetipati Organics

Furthermore, participation in the Aadhyanta Boot Camp provided Ms. Prakriti Gautam with crucial insights into business development, including aspects of human resource management, financial planning, business operation and standardization, documentation, and marketing and branding. During the sessions, founders discussed issues such as high interest rates from financial institutions and the challenges of accessing affordable credit. This candid dialogue highlighted potential solutions and underscored the importance of financial inclusivity for growing businesses.

Khetipati  also benefitted from the programme’s marketing support. By collaborating with Encore, a strategic partner of the Aadhyanta Accelerator Programme, the company developed professional marketing materials that effectively communicated their brand and product value. This collaboration laid the foundation for future marketing efforts and positioned Khetipati  for greater visibility in both local and international markets.

Mr. Willi Müller with the factory staff of Khetipati organics in their factory in Dhankuta.

Looking Ahead: for Agri-Businesses in Nepal

The Aadhyanta Accelerator Programme is more than just an incubator for agri-businesses—it's a catalyst for systemic change in Nepal’s agricultural sector at Koshi Province. By providing the right mix of mentorship, financial guidance, market access, and investment readiness, the programme is empowering entrepreneurs like Khetipati Organics to scale their businesses and contribute to the local economy.

With continued collaboration between local and international experts, private sector investors, and development organisations, the programme holds the possibility to unlock the full potential of Nepal's agri-businesses, creating jobs, improving livelihoods, and driving sustainable growth in Nepal’s most neglected sectors.

Furthermore, for companies who have already been part of the Cohort and worked to improve their business due diligence criteria and worked to better their financial record keeping, Adhyanta Fund Management will be open for more investment even after the phasing out of Sahaj project.

The Nepal Agricultural Market Development Programme (NAMDP), also known as Sahaj, is a bilateral project between the Government of Switzerland and the Government of Nepal. It is implemented by a consortium of Swisscontact (as the lead agency) and CEAPRED (Center for Environmental and Agricultural Policy Research, Extension and Development) on behalf of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC.

2020 - 2025
Sustainable agriculture
Sahaj - Nepal Agricultural Market Development Programme
In 2017, agriculture contributed around 27.04 per cent to Nepal's GDP. Agriculture is a major source of livelihood in the country. However, the agriculture sector is still in a nascent stage as far as technology and modern cultivation methods are concerned. Agriculture mainly engages smallholder farmers who continue to use traditional methods of...
Benin, Bolivia, Cambodia, Kosovo, Nepal, Peru
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Senior Expert Contact
Promoting entrepreneurship through expertise - Imparting technical skills through volunteer work Through their services, Senior Expert Contact (SEC) experts provide hands-on, direct support to companies and institutions in their efforts to grow.