
Mali’s 2012 political crisis exacerbated that country’s socio-economic crisis, in particular the problem of youth unemployment. Difficulties for SMEs to access finance constitute a major brake on investment. In this context, the implementation of local economic development projects and enterprise development are of utmost importance. 


  • Area: 1,240,192 km²
  • Population: 19 million
  • Capital: Bamako

Swisscontact in Mali

  • since 1989


2019 - 2023
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Support for Business Creation by Young People
Mali faces several major challenges related to youth employment. These are: (i) the rapid increase in the working-age population and the difficulties of finding jobs to young people, (ii) the important place taken by informal jobs, (iii) the low proportion of formal jobs in the private and public sectors, (iv) the low human capital accumulation,...
2023 - 2027
Labour market insertion
PartICIP - An inclusive and sustainable vocational training system
The main objective of the PartICIP program is to promote the training and sustainable integration of young people in Mali by establishing decentralized, effective, and coherent governance in the vocational training and employment sub-sector. In doing so, it aims to strengthen the contribution of the public and private sectors. The program's target beneficiaries include young people aged between 15 and 35, private sector entities, companies, and government agencies in the various regions.
2021 - 2024
Burkina Faso, Senegal, Mali
Labour market insertion
Education for opportunities – Empowering young women and men in the Sahel region
The aim of the project is to integrate young adults into the national labour market as well as to facilitate the development of income generation activities. This will make gainful professional activities within their reach so that they can improve their living conditions sustainably.
2020 - 2023
Initial vocational education and training
Project to Support Local Economic Development and Prevent Conflict in the Regions of Timbuktu and Gao

The purpose of the project is to help stabilise the Timbuktu and Gao regions and to enhance the resilience of municipalities and administrative units by favouring the local economic development of 42 municipalities and improving governance in the areas of intervention.The 2012 socio-political crisis in Mali caused massive population displacement...


Entrepreneurial ecosystems, Sustainable agriculture
Advancing Green Jobs and Skills for Malian Youth
In the face of escalating environmental challenges and climate change, transitioning to a sustainable economy has become imperative. Through the Support Fund for Youth Business Creation (FACEJ), Swisscontact has introduced Guichet 4, a new financing mechanism supporting green projects in Mali. This initiative aligns with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly combating climate change (SDG 13) and promoting sustainable economic growth (SDG 8).
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Women’s entrepreneurship: an important driver of emancipation
Mali faces great challenges: the rapid increase of the working-age population, the large gender disparities that place women at a disadvantage, and the effects of the political and security crisis, to name but a few. Through the FACEJ project, Swisscontact is helping young women and men to establish and/or expand their companies.
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Women Entrepreneurship – an important vector of emancipation for women
One of FACEJ's major objectives is to accompany at least 40% of young women entrepreneurs in the creation or development of their business. 
Country Director
Christian Geosits

Our approach

For more than 30 years Swisscontact has been working in the field of initial vocational education and training helping rural and urban populations to gain access to jobs and incomes. Our beneficiaries acquire the skills that allow them to grow and develop economic activities in important economic sectors. With regard to labour market integration, Swisscontact is developing supplementary services such as informational and advisory services required to design professional projects suited to the needs of the market. Support for self-employment is also an area of intervention, providing young people with technical assistance from professionals, access to credit, the development of a business plan, etc.   

Domaines d'Intervention
La main-d’œuvre qualifiée soutient le développement économique local et contribue à la réduction de la pauvreté. Les formations qualifiantes axées sur les besoins de l’économie privée augmentent l’employabilité des jeunes et des adultes et leur permettent d’accéder à l’emploi et à un revenu.
2014 - 2018
Initial vocational education and training
Historique du Programme d'Appui à la Formation Professionnelle (PAFP) au Mali
Après douze ans, Swisscontact a achevé avec succès le Programme d'Appui à la Formation Professionnelle (PAFP) au Mali pour promouvoir la formation professionnelle. Au cours de cette période, plus de 60 000 personnes ont suivi une formation professionnelle.


Women Entrepreneurship in Mali
Malick Sidibe, un entrepreneur hors-pair
Bréhima Diakité - L'éleveur de lapins

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Quar­tier ACI SO­TUBA 
B.P. E2346

Ba­mako, Mali