Sustainable Tourism Destination Development

Tourism is an important part of the Indonesian economy and a significant source of employment and foreign exchange earnings. Recognizing the potential of tourism as driver for economic development and inclusive growth, since 2009, the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) has actively supported the Ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy Republic of Indonesia (MoTCE) to strengthen the competitiveness of selected tourism destinations.

The project

The Sustainable Tourism Destination Development (SUSTOUR) project is the third phase of SECO's support, which originally started in 2009. The project runs from August 2018 to September 2023 and is part of SECO's Sustainable Tourism Development in Indonesia (STDI) Programme, led by SECO and the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf).

The STDI programme is a comprehensive programme for sustainable tourism development in Indonesia. The approach includes interventions across three pillars. Each pillar targets support at a specific level (macro/meso/micro) to assist the Government of Indonesia in implementing a holistic tourism development plan. The overall objective of the STDI programme approach is "to contribute to sustainable tourism development through competitive destinations and a skilled tourism workforce" in order to improve the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the tourism sector in Indonesia.

Swisscontact spearheads the implementation of SUSTOUR as the third pillar. SUSTOUR is driven by the key objective of advancing inclusive and sustainable tourism development in the fascinating destinations of Flores and Wakatobi, with the aim of improving long-term competitiveness. The foundation of the project rests on the recognition of the urgent need for awareness-raising on sustainable tourism orientation and capacity building efforts at the destination level. This, in turn, will facilitate more effective inclusion and ensure that the local population benefits from tourism. 

The SUSTOUR project unfolds through two main components, as outlined below:

Overall Achievements

Outcome 1
Sustainable Tourism Local Platform
Sustainable Tourism Observatory
Sustainable Hotel Operation / Lingko Award
Outcome 2
Community Coaching on Sustainability
Hospitality Practices on Sustainability
Link and Match for Sustainability
The Journey of sustainable tourism in Indonesia
Under the support of SECO, Swisscontact has been involved in a long journey of tourism development in Indonesia.
Favorable Framework Conditions
The policy framework in target destinations is conducive for the growth of sustainable tourism.
Competitiveness and market access
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Project Highlight Videos

“Breaking through Barriers” (Wakatobi)
SUSTOUR program in Wakatobi, which was strengthened by testimonials from Pak La Ode Safei as one of the STD Task Force members with his life and organizational background story become a local key person/local expert. The SUSTOUR project is part of the Sustainable Tourism Development Program in Indonesia (STDI), which is funded by SECO (Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of the Swiss Confederation) in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia. The SUSTOUR project aims to increase employment and income opportunities for local residents through the development of sustainable and inclusive tourism in the two destinations of Labuan Bajo, Flores and Wakatobi.
“New Hope in Sustainable Tourism” (Labuan Bajo)
SUSTOUR interventions are widespread, trying to reach key sectors, namely the public sector and private sector to help optimize tourism potential by creating opportunities. The SUSTOUR project is part of the Sustainable Tourism Development Program in Indonesia (STDI), which is funded by SECO (Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of the Swiss Confederation) in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia. The SUSTOUR project aims to increase employment and income opportunities for local residents through the development of sustainable and inclusive tourism in the two destinations of Labuan Bajo, Flores and Wakatobi.
Video Playlist
A selection of videos from the programme
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Sustainable tourism, Labour market insertion
Go DIGITAL! Women Digipreneurs of Wakatobi and Flores
The Sustainable Tourism Destination Development (SUSTOUR) Project aims to foster inclusive and sustainable tourism development in the destinations of Flores and Wakatobi to strengthen their long-term competitiveness. SUSTOUR is implemented by Swisscontact financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and led jointly in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia.