Enhancing Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and Investments (3Ei)

The overall goal of the 3Ei is for the private sector to actively contribute to the Cambodia's socio-economic development and attaining the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The achievement of this overall goal will be driven by two outcomes: enhanced coordination, and collaboration within the entrepreneurial ecosystem; and increased business performance and investments in the ecosystem.
Phnom Penh
Project duration
2023 - 2027
Financed by
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC
  • Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
  • Khmer Enterprise

The Enhancing Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and Investments (3Ei) is a five-year initiative (2023 – 2027) implemented by Khmer Enterprise and Swisscontact and co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and Ministry of Economy and Finance (Khmer Enterprise). The initiative works closely with the entrepreneurial ecosystem actors in Cambodia to strengthen Cambodia's socio-economic development. The overall goal of the 3Ei is for the private sector to actively contribute to the Cambodia's socio-economic development and attaining the goals of the SDGs. 

The Project

The approach of the 3EI project sets up the four intervention areas in a way that the first three help to blend finance for the impact investors and help decrease the capital. This should then see an increase in investments in impact start-up and growth enterprises.

  • Enhance Connections and Collaborations Among System’s Actors

Under this Intervention Area, the 3EI initiative aims to scale up the Give a Day, Ecosystem Builders Network (EBN) and CAMESCO and institutionalize the three collaboration platforms.

  • Strengthen Mentorship in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Under this Intervention Area, the 3EI initiative aims to collaborate with the Entrepreneurs In Residence (EIRs) from the Swiss EP program and bring the EIRs to Cambodia as per the demand of the Ecoystem Support Organisations (ESOs). The initiative will also help ESOs for applying a gender lens to their organization, program, and ecosystem through the Gender Lens Incubation and Acceleration (GLIA) toolkit and “Promote Cambodia Gender Smart Entrepreneurial and Investment Ecosystem”.

  • Establish Cambodia Blended Finance Services Facility

Under this Intervention Area, the 3Ei initiative aims to address the financial and non-financial barriers faced by early and growth enterprises and start-ups through the Cambodia Blended Finance Service Facility.

  • Strengthen data to foster investments

Under this Intervention Area, the 3Ei initiative aims to track start-up performance as well as identify gaps and opportunities to improve supporting structure. It urges an urgent need to track start-up benchmark index to allocate resources (funding programs) in the right direction. Additionally, the initiative will also develop an investment index to reduce perceived risk of Cambodia market and potentially attract new investors. Furthermore, the SNA report conducted by Impact Hub Phnom Penh and Swisscontact in 2019, recommended a detailed, regular update of data on a periodic basis. Under the 3EI initiative, the sample size of the study will be expanded to generate a picture over time of how the ecosystem is evolving. 

Project Goals

The achievement of this overall goal will be driven by two outcomes.

  1. Enhanced coordination, and collaboration within the entrepreneurial ecosystem; and
  2. Increased business performance and investments in the ecosystem.

Expected Results


Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Bridging the Funding Gap: How the EIS Platform Supports Cambodia’s Small and Medium Enterprises 
Cambodia's small and medium enterprises face a daunting challenge: a funding gap of $3.7 billion. Furthermore, the Gender Lens Investing Landscape Study published in 2023, revealed that men-owned enterprises demand more capital than women-owned enterprises, however, the latter exhibit higher financial needs: US$6.4 billion for women-owned enterprises compared to US$4.1 billion for men-owned enterprises. The financial needs for MSMEs in Cambodia was thus, estimated to be around US$10.5 billion. 
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Give a Day Siem Reap 2: Calls for Collaborations for Entrepreneurial Solutions Co-organized with YEAC SR
On June 28th, 2024, the second Give a Day event in Siem Reap was co-organized by Give a Day and the Young Entrepreneurs Association of Cambodia Siem Reap Chapter (YEAC SR). Held under the theme "Common Challenge, Collaborating Solution," the event aimed to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem by fostering collaboration and support among Entrepreneur Support Organizations (ESOs). 
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Give a Day Battambang 1: The Inaugural Give a Day in Battambang Co-organized with Phum Impact in Strengthening Inclusive Entrepreneurial Ecosystem.
The inaugural Give a Day event in Battambang was successfully held on June 27, 2024, marking a significant milestone in Cambodia's entrepreneurial landscape. Co-organized by Give a Day and Phum Impact Battambang, the event aimed to foster collaboration, address common challenges, and cultivate a supportive ecosystem for entrepreneurs in the provinces.