Design of Upscaling Interventions

The Sustainable Rural Development Program (SRD), implemented by GIZ on behalf of the German Government, promotes income generation and employment in the rural areas of Albania. In cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Tourism and Environment, they advance the social, ecological, and economic development and diversification in the agriculture and tourism sectors. They achieve this by building capacities, organizational performance, innovation networks, as well as enabling policy frameworks. 


  • Albania


  • Advisory


  • March 2021 - September 2021


  • GIZ


  • Roger Oakeley


  • Income / employment


  • Agriculture & tourism


The program design team will use these results to draft the methodological approach of the second program phase, as well as to design the logical framework. The program team will use the design for the conceptualisation of further upscaling interventions during program implementation. 


During the first phase of SRD, a number of pilot interventions in agricultural value chains have been undertaken. These and other pilots have the potential of replication or scaling-up in the second phase of SRD, with the aim of reaching a large number of market participants and increase income generation. The purpose of this assignement is to prepare an in-depth analysis and bring it into the program design process. This was achieved by coaching the program team to screen the upscaling potential both thematically and in terms of potential results, and coach the program team, consisting of GIZ and (subcontractor) AFC staff, to develop one or several upscaling intervention designs for the second phase.