Toward sustAinable quality health caRe delivery at grasSroots level through Active participation of civil society organisatioNs

Al­most one third of the Bangladesh pop­u­la­tion live below the poverty line among which many experience diet deficiencies and shortage of food. Mal­nu­tri­tion and deaths of women from child­birth are among the high­est in the world. Ac­cord­ing to dif­fer­ent stud­ies, over 60% of the rural healthcare ser­vices in Bangladesh are met by un­skilled and un­trained providers, highlighting that quality and accessibility of the healthcare services are quite low. There is vital need of more qual­i­fied, sus­tain­able and ac­ces­si­ble healthcare ser­vice providers for the poor peo­ple liv­ing in rural areas of Bangladesh.
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Project duration
2015 - 2018
Financed by
  • Novartis

The Project

The project supports na­tional health work­force poli­cies, strate­gies, ca­pac­ity build­ing and skills trans­fer to achieve sustainable quality healthcare service delivery to the poor. The pilot pro­ject will pro­duce 600 trained Com­mu­nity Para­medics (CPs) and de­velop ca­pac­i­ties for 10 train­ing in­sti­tutes which will offer Com­mu­nity Para­medic courses based on in­ter­na­tional stan­dards in col­lab­o­ra­tion with RTM In­ter­na­tional, The Community Paramedic (CP) is a two-year course de­signed by the Min­istry of Health and Fam­ily Wel­fare for cre­at­ing ad­di­tional na­tional health work­force. Community Paramedics will be pro­fes­sion­ally trained in Reproductive Health, Ma­ter­nal and Child Health (MCH) and other primary health services. in the three dis­as­ter prone areas of Pat­u­akhli, Nil­phamari and Sunam­ganj. The project will also facilitate net­work­ing ini­tia­tives for schol­ar­ships, loans and in­cen­tive pack­ages.

Project partner

RTM International

Selected results until 2014

  • Developed capacity of 60 faculty members and trainers of CPTIs on different topics
  • 406 CPs graduated through examination conducted by Bangladesh Nursing Council (BNC)
  • Out of the total graduates, 244 CPs (from project locations) were awarded scholarship
  • Around 41,643 women and men have been sensitised about necessity of receiving services from skilled service providers