Sudokkho’s Training Approach 

The Sudokkho training approach system is anchored in the programme’s Theory of Change, which places “stronger and sustainable training systems that are valued by the industry” in the center. Such training is either industry-based or outsourced to PTPs, (Private Training Provider) and graduates from such training would be offered a wage premium in higher valued jobs. 

Whether industry operates its in-house training, or outsources, the investment in training should demonstrate its contribution to increased efficiency and productivity of the trainees once they have graduated and are placed in the job. The following diagram illustrates Sudokkho’s training approach.

Private Training Providers
  • PTPs were selected on a competitive basis through the grants programme on the basis of their ability to deliver or be developed to deliver the quantity and quality of training required
  • Training profiles were driven by labour market demand for skills and jobs
  • Certificates were awarded on course completion
  • Fee paying trainees were enourged to join
  • Strong industry partnerships were built and access to workplace experience was granted
Industry-Based Training
  • Targeted sector-wide change through partnerships with industry including clusters of firms and/or working with associations and employer groups
  • Provided capacity building support to the RMG factories which reached the factory floor and ultimately benefitted the worker
  • Embedded gender strategies at the workplace level
Policy and Training Packages
  • Provided leadership to and within the national TVET regulatory and quality assurance systems and with the sector’s Industry Skills Council to develop training programmes and recognition of training providers
  • Utilised workplaces to identify occupational standards and formalised development of competency-based training programmes through ISC
  • Built capacity of ISC for catering skills demand and constraint of the sector
  • Developed competency-based training courses in high priority job and career areas with course duration determined by industry

Changing mindset – donor-driven to market-driven training businesses

DIST Technical Training Centre is a privately owned technical training centre, which started its journey in 2016 in a two storied building at Sadar Upazilla of Dinajpur district. Initially, the centre offered four short courses, namely Computer Operation, Plumbing & Pipe Fitting, Sewing Machine Operator and Electrical House Wiring. In 2017, the centre applied to BTEB for registration as an RTO, however, the result of a BTEB inspection was findings and recommendations. DIST was struggling to get trainees or to partner with skills development projects. The new chapter began in 2018 when the centre became a partner of the Sudokkho Project and came to an agreement for capacity-building support and the training of 300 trainees on different occupations such as plumbing & pipe fitting and electrical house wiring. By participating in the first capacity-building workshop on quality standards, organised by Sudokkho, the owner of the centre realised that he was targeting the wrong clients. Instead of looking for projects to subsidise training, the centre started focusing on the needs of trainees and employers. To improve the quality of training, DIST followed Sudokkho’s suggested CBT curricula, reorganised the infrastructure and improved the training management system. Within a short time, the centre was able to attract employers, including recruiters from Saudi Arabia who employed graduates from DIST. The shorter duration training courses gained such popularity among the youths that they became interested in paying training fees, despite the fact that other training programmes offer free training, along with stipend for the trainees. DIST introduced the collection of training fees from the trainees to partially cover the costs of training. Meanwhile, the centre re-applied to BTEB and become registered as an RTO without any issue in 2019, for four occupations at NTVQ Level 1.

According to Mr. Mahmudur Rashid, owner of the centre, “I could not imagine that the second inspection of BTEB would be so smooth and we would get the RTO approval so easily. Even though I was not present during the inspection day, the inspection team was very impressed by the changes we made and praised the management system of the centre.” 

Due to the quality and relevance of the training, DIST was selected as a partner training provider of ADP/SEIP project. With an aim to reduce dependency on donors and become self-sufficient, the centre has identified alternative sources of income. DIST has started selling products (cement rings and paving tiles) produced by the trainees and plans to expand the product portfolio and marketing in the future.