Promotion of youth employment and labour market integration (PEMIJ)

The project purpose is to create youth enterprises, access to self-employment and salaried employment for young people, while fostering their employability and labour market integration through the sustainable development of inclusive training mechanisms and tools, and market access, all adapted to local contexts.
Dosso, niger
Project duration
2022 - 2024
Financed by
  • Embassy of the Netherlands

Ministry of vocational education and training with the Maradi and Dosso regional offices / Regional Advisory Boards of Maradi and Dosso / town and city councils in the project area / chambers of commerce and arts & crafts / Federation of Artisans / agriculture offices / farmer collectives

Youth in Niger in general, particularly girls and young women, live in a precarious situation that persists despite the emergence of numerous projects implemented for their benefit in recent years. Many sources agree that the main cause² of this uncomfortable situation in which young people are finding themselves is the lack of employment opportunities, reflected in the high rate of unemployment and underemployment. The situation is exacerbated by another phenomenon: the education crisis, characterised by the lack of quality and availability of trainings that meet the needs of the local labour market. Under such conditions, youth and more specifically girls and young women will not be able to fulfil their roles as “essential pillars of sustainable economic and social development and poverty reduction” in accordance with Niger’s national youth policy.



As part of efforts to continue capitalising on the gains provided for by FOPROR, PEMIJ is working in the Dosso and Tillabéri regions. The project purpose is to create youth enterprises, access to self-employment and salaried employment for young people, while fostering their employability and labour market integration through the sustainable development of inclusive training mechanisms and tools, and market access, all adapted to local contexts.

In particular, these mechanisms and tools will help young people to:

  • acquire or improve technical and business skills, as well as life skills, by enhancing the types of training available most suited to the local economy
  • be more employable through the development of coaching and professional guidance counselling services
  •  access the market by strengthening linkages with the private sector, improving productivity and services, creating value of products and services, etc.
  • acquire capital through access to financial services and by encouraging prefinancing for productive inputs within value chains

All these mechanisms will be managed by local actors. Particular emphasis will be placed on gender equality and social inclusion, which are considered prerequisites to sustainable development, economic growth, and social justice.

Direct beneficiaries: 20,000 youth between the ages of 15 and 25 (and up to 35 for enterprise creation) from target intervention areas who are motivated in the development of a professional