Empowering coffee producers through training in human rights

Swisscontact joins Nestlé’s initiative “Plan Nescafé” as a technical ally on training and capacity building on human rights, prevention of child labour and women’s economic empowerment in the Honduran coffee sector.
La Libertad, Comayagua
Project duration
2023 - 2026

The project

Coffee is one of the main export products of Honduras, having an important impact on the country’s economy. In places like Europe and the USA, consumers show a growing interest in learning about how their cup of coffee is produced. 

In this context of growing interest on the side of consumers that lead them to engage with brands that are committed to social and environmental best practices, and in the wake of changing regulations for international trade, that require companies to comply to best practices in their value chain, both socially and environmentally; the project gives technical support to Nestlé’s sustainability initiative “Plan Nescafé” in Honduras.

Plan Nescafé seeks to build a sustainable coffee growing system that protects forests, empowers coffee growers, and promotes human rights. As a technical partner, Swisscontact supports the CoHonducafé Foundation, which implements “Plan Nescafé” in Honduras. 

In coordination with Nestlé and the CoHonducafé Foundation, through the current virtual education platform of the Jóvenes Caficultores Programme, the project reaches coffee producers that are part of Nestlé’s supply chain in Honduras, developing training modules for virtual and on-site meetings. These trainings address two very relevant issues of the coffee sector – the prevention of child labour and women economic empowerment – in a manner that is engaging and comprehensive,  impacting  participants' understanding of why it is important to further human rights and female economic empowerment, in order to stay in business and remain competitive.

Project goals

The project aims to train Honduran coffee producers on human rights, prevention of child labour and women economic empowerment. The expected outcome is a cultural transformation of the coffee farming communities in Honduras, making them more inclusive and sustainable.  


  • CoHonducafé Foundation

Expected results

  • 8 training modules will be offered, with the aim of reaching 5500 participants, an average of 687 participants per module.
  • 1750 producers from the Honduras regions where Nestlé/CoHonducafé Foundation currently work, will be reached through virtual trainings and on-site meetings at Fundación CoHonducafé’s training centre in La Libertad, Comayagua.
  • More broadly, the initiative will reach all regions of Honduras and beyond through virtual training, with a target of at least 35% of participants being youth and 30% women.

Financing partners

This project is financed by Nestlé. It is part of the Swisscontact Development Programme, which is co-financed by the SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation) within the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA).


Sustainable agriculture
Preparing the next generation of coffee farmers in social traceability for a sustainable and responsible coffee sector in Honduras
Swisscontact teams up with Nestlé and the CoHonducafé Foundation to spark attitudinal changes in young coffee farmers, with regards to women economic empowerment and human rights. 
Promoting inclusive and sustainable development in Honduras through partnerships with the private sector  
Swisscontact joins Nestlé and the CoHonducafé Foundation to strengthen the capacities of Plan Nescafé's agronomy technical staff in the areas of women's economic empowerment and the promotion of respect for human rights in the  coffee value chain. 
Sustainable agriculture
Empowering young coffee farmers through training in human rights
In 2023, Swisscontact joined Nestlé’s initiative “Plan Nescafé” in Honduras, as a technical ally on training and capacity building on human rights, prevention of child labour and women’s economic empowerment in the Honduran coffee sector.