WATCH: MIGIP Experiences and Impacts in Cambodia

Sustainable agriculture
From 2017 to 2020, Swisscontact in Cambodia had been collaborating with public and private sector partners to implement various interventions in agriculture and tourism sectors through Mekong Inclusive Growth and Innovation Programme (MIGIP). Now MIGIP transformed itself into Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture (ISA) with a focus on appropriate technologies and extension services.

In agriculture, MIGIP aimed to increase production through sustainable intensification and to increase the competitiveness of agriculture sector, the use of improved technology and techniques are necessary.

In tourism, we aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the tourism sector by focusing on strengthening destination management structure, processes, marketing, and skills through public-private partnerships at the sub-national level.

In 2020, we talked to many of our partners and beneficiaries about our works. Following are some testimony videos that feature the impact and experiences of the interventions that Swisscontact implemented.

Experience in Agriculture Technology Commercialisation: Cambodia agriculture needs to shift towards sustainable intensification, which is only possible with techniques and technology. More specifically, farmers need to adopt the technology to increase productivity in the field. We realized this and worked in close collaboration with its public and private partners to push forward the insertion of new agriculture technologies into Cambodia markets in order to move the production towards #SustainableIntensification.

4S – a Model for Agriculture Technology Promotion: Swisscontact’s 4S Go-To-Market model is born out of the need for a marketing strategy which would help the private sector target farmers better with the right kind of agriculture technologies. 4S is primarily used in the beginning stages of product promotion in any new market. 4S consists of four key steps which uses farmer segmentation and target marketing to effectively promote agriculture technologies. #mechanization #agriculturetechnology

InGuider – An Internship Model for University: InGuider (Internship Guider) is a four-stage guideline in preparing and running a well-structured internship program for universities in Cambodia. This video features the experience of Swisscontact’s Mekong Inclusive Growth and Innovation Programme (MIGIP), in collaboration with Faculty of Agricultural Engineering (FAE) of Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), in implementing the InGuider model in Cambodia.

HUSO – Hub & Spoke, a Model for Agriculture Knowledge Transfer: HUSO model addresses the critical need for extension services in Cambodia’s agriculture sector. This does by working with the private sector to assist farmers with getting access to appropriate technologies and techniques. HUSO also becomes a marketing strategy for the private sector which helps to promote the use of their technologies and techniques through extension services arranged in a hub and spoke structure.

HoKa – Hospitality Kampuchea, a Hospitality Training Model for Low-skilled Workers: HoKa is the first in-house training program designed within the Cambodian Qualification Framework (CQF) for low-skilled workers, to be offered in the tourism industry. By aligning with the national framework, HoKa allows workers who are generally left out of the education system, to be integrated in the CQF and move ahead in their career pathways.

Experience with Cambodia’s Tourism Working Group in Kampot: Swisscontact promoted public-private partnerships in Kampot, one of the key tourist destinations in Cambodia. With the support of the Mekong Inclusive Growth and Innovation Programme (MIGIP), a Tourism Working Group (TWG) was established by the Kampot Provincial Department of Tourism (PDOT). The TWG worked to coordinate a variety of functions related to the tourist destination including marketing, skills development, product development, community development, and research and data collection. The secretariat of TWG was housed within the PDOT.

Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture
MIGIP has now transformed into Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture (ISA).