Mr. Schneider had the opportunity to interact with different institutions, companies and vocational training centres involved in the project. The training institute “Instituto Médio Profissional Sao Francisco de Assis – Mumemo”, presented its vision and the actions planned in partnership with Swisscontact to improve the quality of education. In addition, a visit was made to the workshops where the students demonstrated the skills and knowledge acquired in areas such as electricity, locksmithing and auto-mechanics.
The visit also included a meeting with the Head of the Administrative Post of Macaneta, who connected the visitors with some trainees that have been successful in generating income as entrepreneurs or wage employees. These young people were trained during the Covid-19 pandemic, where their progress and commitment in the development of their technical skills was evident.
A visit was also made to the "MTB Gates and Locksmith Services" workshop, where Mr Schneider was welcomed by the workshop manager and met with the trainees. The young people showed their locksmithing work, shared their achievements and challenges, and the former trainees were encouraged to provide support and guidance to the new trainees.
Another highlight was the visit to the Salesian Vocational Training Centre in Matola. The Centre presented its mission and its focus on vocational training for young people in disadvantaged communities. The successful collaboration between Swisscontact and the centre, which has strengthened the training offer and the employability of young people, was emphasised.
As part of the visit, a meeting was held with the Directorate of Professional Qualifications of the National Vocational Education Authority (ANEP), where the progress of the implementation of the System for Recognition of Acquired Skills (SRCA) was discussed. Furthermore, the positive impact of the collaboration between Swisscontact and ANEP in strengthening vocational education in Mozambique was highlighted.
Mr. Kimon Schneider's visit underlines the commitment of Swisscontact and its partners to the development of vocational education in Mozambique, promoting opportunities for young people to acquire technical skills and integrate into the labour market.
Mr. Schneider expressed his satisfaction with the work carried out by the project, as it plays an important role as facilitator in coordinating the actors, making actions feasible and generating important results for the benefit of young people and the development of the country.
The Skills to Build project is financed by the Medicor Foundation, Happel Foundation, and U.W. Linsi-Stiftung, among other donors. It is part of the Swisscontact Development Programme, which is co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).