Training in Development of Inclusive Market Systems for 'Habitat for Humanity'

Swisscontact holds a training course on the Development of Inclusive Market Systems in San José, Costa Rica, from 9th to 13th December 2019. The workshop is conducted for Habitat for Humanity officials from Mexico, Costa Rica, Chile and Peru and is facilitated by Swisscontact's Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean, Sven Gehlhaar, and master mentor Franz Miralles (Swisscontact Bolivia, Inclusive Markets project consultant).

The purpose of the training course was to deepen the knowledge of the participants on the Inclusive Market Systems Development Approach. An emphasis was put on the housing construction sector in Latin America.

Systems approach for innovation

A thorough understanding of the market systems approach makes it possible to systematically generate innovations in development projects. By understanding the bottlenecks and root causes of market systems, one can identify systemic interventions which result in greater impact, sustainability and scale of the facilitated innovations.