Through Horticulture to a Livestock Farmer: The story of Rachel

Initial vocational education and training
Rachel received training from the SET project funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) through the Embassy of Switzerland in Tanzania. The training was organized and conducted by Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT) on organic horticulture production. She was trained on growing vegetables, like cabbage, tomato, okra, and various kind of greens as well as on how to prepare organic fertilizers using local materials.

In addition, she learned how to make batik and soap, manage a business, and save money through saving groups. She is among the member of the Tushikamane saving group, where they meet every week to collect savings and sometimes engage in joint activities like batik and soap making based on market demands.

"I really appreciate the training I received from the SET project. Everything I have now is a result of what I learned during the training. I opted to mainly cultivate Chinese cabbage due to high market demands. I still have plans and dreams of having more cattle and continuing to farm vegetables. I will continue with agriculture, but I would also like to do a course in tailoring in the future to earn more income. I love working in tailoring and designing women dresses, especially the new styles, which are in high demand now in our community."
Rachel with her seven sheep and a lamb, which she bought after selling her vegetable products.

“At the end of 2023, after saving money in our group, we received our membership profit share. I received a total of 250,000 TSh, which I spent on buying three sheep. Recently, I cultivated a quarter acre of Chinese cabbage, which I sold and then bought another four sheep. I also managed to buy one cow, which cost me 400,000 TSh,” says Rachel.

Rachel during herding sheep, which she bought after receiving training on horticulture production
2022 - 2026
Initial vocational education and training, Labour market insertion
Skills for Employment Tanzania

The Skills for Employment Tanzania (SET) Project seeks to improve self-employment prospects among the youth through the contribution to improved access, relevance and quality of vocational skills development.
Youth have difficulty finding employment due to limited access to skills training and a mismatch between available skills training and the...