The Government of Rwanda has recognized quality Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and skills development as important drivers tackling youth unemployment since in recent years, they have greatly contributed to an increase in skilled workforce and job creation.  To respond to the growing youth unemployment challenge, the government has openly promoted TVET all over the country so that the schools can have the capacity to absorb 60% of the 9 Years Basic Education Graduates by 2024. Additionally, the government aims to create 1’500’000 decent and productive jobs all by 2024 ((over 214’000 annually).Aligning with one of the PROMOST’s main outcomes of ‘promoting employment or self-employment through quality vocational education and training, labor market insertion and certification of young men and women, Swisscontact in collaboration with the Government of Rwanda through its Ministry of Education and Ministry of Public Service and Labor, different implementing and development partners organized a dialogue session. The national dialogue was held on 19th May 2022 embracing the theme, ‘TVET for Youth Employment and Future Work’ and sought to increase awareness on the TVET system in Rwanda for more job creation opportunities through sound private sector engagement.

Challenges in the TVET System

The TVET system in Rwanda is still facing several challenges the lack of know-how or skilled workforce and under development of the current TVET system which does not meet the evolving local, regional, and global market needs as exposed by the Rwanda TVET Board.  

According to a study done by the Rwandan Ministry of Public Service and Labor (MIFOTRA), youth unemployment, particularly in vocational training graduates, is caused by the clear mismatch between the skills taught and the market needs. This was supported by both the Rwanda TVET Board (RTB) and the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) as they explored how the rapid evolution of technology, globalization, and the 4th industrial revolution are impacting skills development and the world of work, emphasizing on how the educational system should level up to match the evolution.

In addition to the above, the Rwanda Minister of Education, Hon. Dr. Valentine Uwamariya revealed that there is still a perspective problem around the TVET system in Rwanda and emphasized that it was time for that to change.

PROMOST contributions to the Regional Vocational Training and Education

Since its launch in 2012, PROMOST has been supporting the Governments of Rwanda, DR Congo, and Burundi, in developing and ensuring the quality and sustainability of the TVET systems to achieve employment for young men and women.

Between 2012 and 2019, PROMOST supported youth skills development through informal vocational training i.e., short term trainings over 3-month periods and apprenticeships that would last 9 -12 months in different trades.

‘PROMOST has trained above 10,000 young people, 85% of whom are currently employed and self-employed. These numbers keep growing,’ explained Mr. Charles Pouliot the PROMOST Director.

In the third and current phase and on the request of the Ministry of Education, PROMOST joined the formal TVET system by launching the pilot dual training program which allows TVET students to access both theoretical training in schools and practical training within companies. The dual training offers a platform for the private sector to reform the TVET systems by offering real work and relevant experience to TVET trainees.

‘There are so many benefits of the dual training program, and we are slowly realizing that. As the private sector, taking part in the program allows us to identify new talent at an earlier stage and gives us a platform to impart market-oriented and relevant skills as well as exchange knowledge between stakeholders,’ said Mr. Donald Kabanda, the CEO of Rwanda Electric Motors (REM) and a PROMOST partner.

Mr. Gilbert Muhika Mudikaka, the Director of Cabinet at the Ministry in charge of TVET in DR Congo and another PROMOST partner, revealed that though the TVET system in DRC is newly established, PROMOST has been of great support in coordinating its implementation within different concerned players.


The national and regional TVET systems need contributions from all major stakeholders to ensure quality trainings and sustainability meeting regional and international market requirements.

The Director General of the Rwanda TVET Board encouraged the participants to invest in the quality of the TVET system and to support the alignment of the training programs to the current and future technological developments.

To ensure expansion of market opportunities, the participants emphasized the importance of harmonizing of the regional TVET system to facilitate and encourage regional mobility. The present development partners suggested a better structured private sector and encouraged more projects to support the TVET system to achieve a solid institutional framework.

Hon. Minister of Public Service and Labor, Mrs. Rwanyindo Kayirangwa Fanfan, invited every participant to challenge themselves in answering the following question, ‘Where will the future work come from? What skills will be needed?  What is the contribution/role of everyone in achieving that?’