Modern Approaches In VET School Management

Initial vocational education and training
Developing leadership skills, supporting effective teamwork, and applying best practices in business communication are the cornerstones of the modern VET school management.   

On December 15-16, 2021, the Public-Private Partnership to Improved Plumbing Education (EdUP) Project conducted the first training “Modern approaches in VET school management”.

The training is the first of its kind within the EdUP project, aimed at improving the management skills of VET schools principals.

Participating in the training were the managers of 18 vocational education schools from different regions of Ukraine. The Dnipro Higher Vocational School of Civil Engineering hosted the event.

The first day of the training included a business simulation game, moderated by the Develor Ukraine. It was focused on team building, collaboration, and strategic thinking.

The second day of the training was built around effective communication. The participants improved their communication skills, learned to manage expectations, and structure emotions.

The seminar was also a great opportunity for educational institutions managers to meet in person after a long Covid break, and engage in networking in a relaxed atmosphere.


The Public Private Partnership to Improved Plumbing Education (EdUP) is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, in partnership with Geberit Trading LLC, implemented by Swisscontact and supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Initial vocational education and training
Public Private Partnership to Improved Professional Education in Ukraine
The EdUP project, including its Scale UP initiative, is playing a crucial role in addressing the serious challenges faced by Ukraine's vocational education and training (VET) sector during wartime. The war has destroyed many VET schools and exacerbated a skills shortage that affects several sectors, despite employers' willingness to offer competitive wages and resources. EdUP aims to rebuild and improve vocational schools and break stereotypes about vocational graduates. By decentralising training and aligning it with local economic needs, the project will improve the quality of vocational training, attract additional resources, work with the private sector, and modernise education to equip Ukraine's workforce for today's demands.