At the first in-person training session with women beekeepers, held in Istog, representatives of ORGANIKA shared information about organic beekeeping, the requirements and rules to achieve that, the origin of bees, how to feed the bees, and preventive measures for healthy bees. The presentation and discussion with participants made the case why organic certification is needed and makes business sense. Ten women beekeepers from the area, of whom 3 from the Serbian community, attended.
The hybrid program will continue with four more in-person training sessions, and additional video training material to be shared via Viber groups. The women beekeepers will also be part of a closed Facebook group, the purpose of which is to enhance the learning experience, create a platform for communication and networking for them.
The training and organic certification of beekeepers through Association ORGANIKA is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation project Promoting Private Sector Employment. It is implemented by Swisscontact in consortium with the Riinvest Institute.