International development cooperation in the “COVID year 2020”: using digitalisation to foster resilience in people and businesses 

In 2020, Swisscontact worked in a total of 39 countries and implemented 117 projects. Thanks to the long-term approach and strong local roots of these projects, 94,900 people were able to complete programmes in skills development, entrepreneurship and labour-market insertion despite the COVID-19 pandemic. In the area of company development, 870,200 farmers and SMEs received access to better services and products, enabling them to more effectively weather the current crisis. 

Thanks to its many years of local, on-the-ground involvement, Swisscontact can depend on stable structures, networks and partnerships and thus support people, companies and the economy to find their way out of crises like the current one with greater speed and while incurring less damage. The Swisscontact Annual Report shows clearly how, despite challenging conditions, it is still possible to use innovative approaches in international development cooperation.

Annual Report 2020
In the year of crisis that was 2020, Swisscontact was able to build on its many years of experience building stable structures, networks, and partnerships at the local level. This helps people, businesses, and the economy as a whole to find their way out of crises more quickly.