Improving Hospitality Industry in Cambodia Through HoKa

Developed under the Skills Development Programme (SDP) in Cambodia, HoKa is the 1st in-house hospitality training program targeted at the existing low-skilled workers of hotels and restaurants, who can apply the theoretic and technical skills in their workplace. It has been enhanced in Mekong Inclusive Growth and Innovation Programme (MIGIP) for tourism sector in Cambodia.

The uniqueness of HoKa is its contribution to the policy of the in the promotion of in-house training with a practical model. The model will provide the experience in implementing the ASEAN standard below the formal levels. While HoKa sits below Level 1 of the ASEAN Qualification Framework, work is underway to define HoKa within the Vocational Skills Certificate being designed by Cambodia’s National Committee for Tourism Professionals Secretariat (NCTP).