Identifying a roadmap to mainstream Local Economic Development (LED) in Bangladesh

Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Nine policymakers from the Local Government Division (LGD), Planning Commission, and Economic Relationship Department of the Ministry of Finance attended the 2-week part of the program "Sustainable Local Economic Development", facilitated by PRABRIDHHI at University of Rotterdam. The participants learned about specific strategies and tools for creating and managing the LED processes from a multi-stakeholder perspective. These strategies shall subsequently help them to identify a roadmap for mainstreaming LED in Bangladesh.

The course was offered by the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) of the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Netherlands. Completion of this course by the core team shall serve as another step forward towards the aim of PRABRIDDHI- for LED to be an integral part of local development planning in different municipalities of Bangladesh.

The course was customised to meet the specific requirements of the participants' respective regions since local economic development is not a uniform concept. It provided participants with both theoretical and practical knowledge of LED concepts, which will be useful in supporting policy-level planning for LED in Bangladesh.

Additionally, the participants shall be equipped with skills to evaluate the economic and political landscape for LED from their regional perspective. They will learn to identify the challenges and opportunities in strengthening the local economy by involving multiple stakeholders and develop strategic approaches for local economic planning. Lastly, the exchange has paved ways to work together with the university and leverage their expertise to enhance the development of local capacities in Bangladesh.

2020 - 2025
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
PRABRIDDHI – Local Economic Development
PRABRIDDHI focuses on building the capacity of an urban or rural territory to create a competitive advantage for its enterprises through a broad set of activities and improve the economic well-being of its people and workers.