Coaching for Employment approach transforming Public Employment Services in Albania

In October 2020, the Albanian Council of Ministers announced the decision acknowledging the official recognition and application of key elements of the Coaching for Employment and Entrepreneurship (C4EE) methodology in the new organizational and processes’ Manual of the Public Employment Services.

Based on this decision, all unemployed jobseekers that register through the National Agency for Employment and Skills (NAES) will benefit from a more tailored employment program that will help them find a more suitable and profitable job. The program applied by NAES is built on an adaptation of the C4EE methodology, developed by Swisscontact in collaboration with the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and started in 2012. 

The institutionalization of the Coaching for Employment and Entrepreneurship methodology marks the finalization of Swisscontact’s 10-year efforts and contribution the employment sector and social inclusion in Albania.

The Manual

The new Manual describes in details the employment services based on the Coaching for Employment and Entrepreneurship coaching cycle approach and instruments, which are currently being finalized together with guidelines and other package elements. According to it, jobseekers searching for a job through NAES will undergo an in-depth interview with NAES staff (step no.1), followed by a profiling process (step no.2), aiming at creating an individual employment plan that reflects their skills profile (step no.3). The method acknowledges that every jobseeker’s experience and needs are unique and therefore their integration in the labour market should follow a tailored approach. 

The Project

Since 2012, C4EE has been working in close collaboration with NAES to build the necessary tools and infrastructure for the successful deployment of the project’s methodology. The project has trained 240 NAES employees, 24 coaches and certified 4 trainers on using the C4EE methodology and tools, as well as supported the agency to improve its functions, job descriptions, performance measurement and monitoring, etc. The project also works closely with the private sector to ensure a smooth transition to the labour market and since 2017 is also operating in Kosovo. Around 500 unemployed jobseekers from disadvantaged groups registered in NAES have been assisted every year with employment services based on the C4EE approach.