Skills Development

Skills development supports people in securing their basic material needs, thereby reducing poverty, and facilitating the economic and social development of a region or country.

In this sense, skills development represents all activities and systems that prepare people for the labour market and supports them to thrive therein. This includes initial and continuing vocational education and training (VET), as well as labour market insertion. Optimal conditions for high employment are based on educational offers, which meet individual needs, as well as economic and social interests. The Development Programme implemented skills development projects in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe. The overarching goal is to support people in their efforts to create the conditions for a secure livelihood and to actively participate in society. Cumulatively, eight skills development projects have developed institutional capabilities of training providers, government and private sector partners to deliver high quality and relevant services, inclusive vocational skills development, counselling and post-training support (internships, placement, mentoring for self-employment). The advocacy of social inclusiveness and a participatory civil society and political landscape contribute to the reduction of disparities. 

  • 107 005 (57% women) accessed improved skills services.
  • 81 397 (56% women) increased their income.
  • 19 780 people were employed (only new employment). 

“In each of our roles, we have found a way to work together and optimise our coordination. I think that we have managed to work together very well. The cooperation between Swisscontact, INSAMI [Salvadoran Migrant Institute], which also helped us to profile the returnees, and CASALCO [Salvadoran Chamber of the Construction Industry], which is a natural partner in this project, has been exceptional. But the most important impact is that these people are integrated into society in a productive way.”

Carlos Gomez, Executive Director INSAFORP, Salvadorian Institute for Vocational Training