Financial Inclusion

In our Development Programme projects, access to financial services and products ever so often address the struggle of the gender gap.
In our Development Programme projects, access to financial services and products often address the struggle of the gender gap. Women especially face increased challenges when accessing basic financial literacy and services. In our projects, we tailored affordable financial solutions to smallholder farmers, households, employees and small and medium-sized enterprises. The main objective is the improvement of the economic and social integration of disadvantaged women and men. They gain improved access to secure and fair financial services and products (e.g., micro-and small credits, savings, leasing products, micro-insurance and improvement of financial literacy). Furthermore, they increased opportunities for secure and fair financial services through the enhancement of the financial sector by empowering the stakeholders (savings and lending groups, cooperatives, banks, universities). To foster women's economic empowerment, innovative financial products are developed and tailored to the needs of disadvantaged and excluded population groups, paving the way for gender equality and social inclusion. For example, micro leasing products enable female beekeepers to access hives for their economic activities, and informal savings and lending groups not only support beneficiaries in the acquisition of basic financial knowledge - which they usually lack, but more importantly provide autonomy, especially to women, leaving no one behind.

"The varied training sessions we have gone through have been beneficial to the SACCO. For instance, with the revised credit policy, we can loan out money to members with good credit scores, unlike before, where we were lending blindly and based on trust. We have also diversified our portfolio of product offerings, positively impacting our membership numbers; these have grown drastically to 4 000 members today."

Charity Wachuka Njoroge, CEO Home Business Sacco, Laikipia County, Kenya