The Taka ni Mali Project was implemented with the involvement of all major stakeholders of the market.

This proved effective as the information dissemination was two-way rather than top down. This eventually encouraged better relationships between the market actors and helped build the spirit of community ownership, which is vital for project sustainability.

The participatory development process stimulated the engagement of the main sector actors trained in diverse areas to independently craft and implement suitable and custom-made strategies in solid waste management. All capacity-building exercises were facilitated by the Taka ni Mali Project and aimed to empower the community to realise proper solid waste management systems.

Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) have built their capacities in several areas. These included but were not limited to the importance of a proper SWM system, typology of waste, the importance of sorting, recyclable innovations, entrepreneurship, financial management, safety at work, market identification and building stakeholder relationships. Through target specific training, the Municipality of Morogoro was able to change its policy around environmental conservation and applied an appropriate solid waste management system within its wards.