Ejemplos de proyectos

Ejemplos de nuestros proyectos en los que se integra el sector privado para fomentar el crecimiento económico en varios sectores, países y contextos geográficos:
2022 - 2025
Formación profesional inicial
Mejorar las competencias de los jóvenes fontaneros y electricistas mediante la formación de aprendizaje dual (PropelA) (ing.)
The construction sector is among the fastest growing industries in Kenya and is expected to become increasingly important in the future. However, Kenyan construction companies cannot fully exploit the opportunities of this growth because there is a shortage of skilled labour for trades like electrical and plumbing. Private sector has indicated that the current training offered by vocational school is disconnected from the industry needs. It is important to note that Kenya has implemented a dual VET model, yet the involvement of the private sector in this model remains unregulated and undefined.The situation has encouraged the Hilti Foundation and Swisscontact to start an employer-led dual apprenticeship programme for the construction industry in Kenya dubbed “PropelA”. The project is funded by the Hilti Foundation, supported by international partners such as Geberit International AG, and implemented by Swisscontact. The project is developing a skilled workforce that meets industry needs and is currently focusing on the plumbing and electrical trades. 
2020 - 2027
Formación profesional inicial
Colaboración público-privada para mejorar la educación profesional en Ucrania (ingl.)
The project fosters a decentralized education and vocational training system for plumbers supported by private sector investments enable young people to gain skills tailored to the needs of the market, enter the job market and achieve higher incomes. Unemployment among youth is a major national concern in Ukraine, where about 20% of youth are out...
2023 - 2026
Agricultura sostenible
Empoderando a los productores de café impartiendo formación en derechos humanos
Swisscontact se une a la iniciativa del "Plan Nescafé" de Nestlé, como aliado técnico en materia de formación y capacitación sobre derechos humanos, prevención del trabajo infantil y la capacitación económica de las mujeres en el sector cafetalero hondureño.
2023 - 2025
Agricultura sostenible
Paisajes + Sostenibles
El proyecto tiene como objetivo mejorar los medios de vida y el bienestar de las familias rurales de las zonas seleccionadas mediante la creación de paisajes de abastecimiento sostenibles con cadenas de suministro libres de deforestación y respetuosas con el clima para las generaciones presentes y futuras.
Agricultura sostenible
Stronger Coffee Initiative
The aim of the project is to co-create a farmer engagement model for Louis Dreyfus Company’s newly launched Stronger Coffee Initiative that will ultimately increase farmer prosperity. To achieve this goal, the project involves optimized data collection tools, farmer data analysis and conception of coaching and trainings.
2017 - 2021
En los departamentos de El Paraíso, Valle y Choluteca, la mayoría de productores no logran realizar negocios exitosos, debido principalmente, a la mala gestión de las explotaciones, inadecuadas prácticas de cosecha y post cosecha, y escaso conocimiento de mercado. Por otro lado, el cacao fino de aroma es una alternativa de diversificación...
2012 - 2020
Agricultura sostenible, Comercio
Programa de producción de cacao sostenible (ingl.)
Over the course of ten years, the Sustainable Cocoa Production Program (SCPP) has grown into an initiative reaching 165,000 farmers and engaging the entire cocoa industry in Indonesia. The legacy of SCPP spans a spectrum of areas, such as productivity increase, poverty reduction and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions-at a time of significant upheaval in the cocoa sector in Indonesia.  
2020 - 2022
Ecosistemas de iniciativa empresarial
Cacao colombiano de especialidad para el mercado sostenible de Suiza (Cacao+Sostenible)
El propósito del proyecto es suscitar cambios sistémicos y generar un impacto ambiental, económico y social en las familias productoras y en toda la cadena de valor a base de fomentar innovaciones y servicios para entablar relaciones comerciales a largo plazo entre los productores y los consumidores y cumplir así los requisitos internacionales...
2019 - 2021
Ecosistemas de iniciativa empresarial
La Aldea Modelo de Nestlé - inclusiva y sostenible (ingl.)
Dairy farming in Morocco is facing a few challenges. The quality and quantity of milk per cow is limited, production fluctuates with the seasons, and because it is not a profitable business, many young people in villages do not continue the business of their forebears. Nestlé is working together with dairy businesses and applying its “joint value addition” strategy. To this end, Nestlé is implementing the so-called model village concept. This promotes a better work environment while improving milk quality. In order to find more appropriate solutions for stakeholders, the model requires closer involvement of cooperatives and their farmer members.