Nuevas competencias para nuevos puestos de trabajo (S4J) (ingl.)

‘Skills for Jobs’ (S4J) is a project mandated by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by Swisscontact Albania. It is part of the Economic Development Domain of the Swiss Cooperation Strategy for Albania, with specific focus on promotion of employment opportunities and skills development.
Duración del proyecto
2015 - 2027
Financiado por
  • Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación COSUDE

El proyecto

The overarching goal of Skills for Jobs S4J is to contribute to an improved inclusive Albanian Vocational Education and Training (VET) system and increased competitiveness of the Albanian economy, by facilitating access to gainful employment and income for young women and men from diverse backgrounds.

The project actively promotes modern teaching and learning practices by fostering work-based and blended learning, leveraging digitalization as an instrument. S4J supports VET institutions in strengthening their internal processes and management, while also collaborating with industries and national authorities to update and diversify the VET offer, ensuring they align with labor market needs.

The project is in its third phase, S4J 3, which started in July 2023 and will last until June 2027. During this phase, the project aims to create training and employment opportunities for up to 29,400 Albanian women and men, including youth and special needs groups.

S4J will facilitate the horizontal transfer of key innovation objects/processes previously promoted in the project’s previous two phases, expanding their reach to other VET providers and companies, through capacitated and empowered transfer agents. This phase will focus on further consolidating and documenting these innovations to facilitate scaling, transfer, and institutionalization within the VET system, both in the public and private sector.

To achieve its objectives, the project has two primary areas of intervention with 3 specific key innovation objects each:

Component 1: Access to quality VET offer

  • Digitalization of VET Offer
  • Improvement of Internal Processes and Structures
  • Continuous Professional Development Models

Component 2: Private sector engagement in VET

  • Business relations and networks
  • Quality of work-based learning in companies
  • Diversification of offer and upskilling

The direct target groups that will benefit from S4J project in phase 3 are: 

  • Public VET providers in Albania,
  • Companies offering work-based learning to learners enrolled in the partner VET providers.
  • Business membership organizations engaging in the development of occupational and professional standards and frame curricula.

Interventions implemented in this phase aim to build an enabling environment that promotes the transferability and long-term sustainability of these innovation processes within the Albanian VET system. 

Project partner

Ministry of Finance and Economy

Resultados esperados

  • Improve the quality and relevance of the vocational skills development (VSD) so more young women and men are adequately trained for the labour market.
  • Increase the participation of the private sector – in quantity and quality – in designing and delivering VSD in selected economy sectors in selected regions of Albania.
  • Facilitate matching between demand and supply in the labour market, focusing on young people.