Niklaus Waldvogel

Advisor Skills Development

Products & Solutions

Field experience
Benin, Morocco, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova

German, English, French

Graduate expert in development, with experience in the areas of skills, labour market insertion, TVET, youth employment, inclusive systems (ISD/MSD), private sector engagement and sustainable agriculture. Several years of project experience in Eastern Europe and Western Africa, including as a team leader and regional knowledge manager. Supports projects in strategic orientation, intervention design, bid writing, formulating theories of change, sustainable planning and capitalization of learnings

Reference projects

Agricultura sostenible
Beninclusif - Mercados dinámicos para productos agrícolas sostenibles (ingl.)
The objective of this project is to strengthen value chains in select sectors by applying an Inclusive Markets approach, thereby improving quality of life and increasing incomes for producers (i.e. farmer families) while creating jobs.In an initial two-year pilot phase (2019-2020), the project is focusing on the citrus and fisheries sectors, which...
Inserción en el mercado laboral
Coaching para el empleo y el emprendimiento  - Integración profesional de los jóvenes desfavorecidos
Este proyecto se propone brindar a las mujeres y hombres jóvenes de entornos vulnerables en Marruecos oportunidades de empleo productivo por cuenta propia, de modo que puedan generar para sí mismas medios de vida resilientes.
Uni.e.s pour l’égalité des genres, DRC