Jane Gisin

Senior Advisor Inclusive Economic Development

Products & Solutions

German (native speaker), English (fluent), French (fluent), Spanish (proficient), Russian (basic)

Focus areas

Research, training and advisory services in private sector development; entrepreneurship and social enterprises; economic growth; employment and income; access to finance and insurance; business support services; market systems development approaches; value chains; local economic development; gender equality and social inclusion; health; trade; agriculture;

Field experience

Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, Moldova, Georgia, Lebanon, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Malawi, Zambia, Madagascar, Benin, Nigeria, and Argentina

MENA: Senior Consultant, Inclusive Systems Development Training for Regional Teams [2023]

Reference Projects

GLOBAL: Senior Consultant, Addressing Structural Constraints to Scaling Innovation in Healthcare and Welfare Services , Botnar Foundation [2023]

ALBANIA: Lead Consultant, New Perspectives Kukës Programme, Swisscontact (FCDO/Home Office) [2023]

GEORGIA: Lead Technical Consultant on A2F, Rural SME Development Project, Swisscontact [2020]

BÉNIN: Lead Technical Consultant, Béninclusif, Swisscontact [2022]

GLOBAL: Lead Technical Consultant, Dutch Good Growth Fund, Triple Jump [2021]

UGANDA: Senior Consultant, Strengthen Results Delivery in relation to Market Systems Development of the Swedish Strategy for Uganda 2018-2023, Swedish Development Cooperation [2019/2020]

LEBANON: Senior consultant, market analysis and strategy development to support livelihoods amongst host and refugee communities in east and north east Lebanon, ILO [September 2019-February 2020]

NIGERIA: Senior Consultant, Strategic inputs to design, implementation and monitoring, SuNMaP2 [2019 - ongoing]

MOLDOVA: Lead Consultant, Capacity building and review of programme design, HEKS/EPER Swiss Church Aid [2019]

MOLDOVA: Lead Consultant, Review the design of the second programme phase of grape and berry market systems, HEKS/EPER  [2018]

MOLDOVA: Lead Evaluator, End-of-Phase review of grape and berry market systems programmes, HEKS/EPER Swiss Church Aid [2018]

TANZANIA: Senior Consultant, Scoping study / programme proposal for an urban development project [2018].

TANZANIA: Trainer/Consultant, Agriculture Markets Development Trust  [2018]

Zambia/Kenya: Consultant, AgriFin Accelerate (AFA), Mercy Corps and Mastercard Foundation  [2017/2018]

RWANDA: Consultant/evaluator, Access to Finance Rwanda  [2017]

KOSOVO: Field Researcher/MSME Specialist, EFSE Fund, Finance in Motion [2017]

SERBIA: Consultant, Private sector development programme South Serbia, SDC [2017]

MADAGASCAR: Consultant, Labour Market and Market Assessment, Save the Children [2016 – 2017]

SERBIA: Consultant, Private sector development programme Southwest Serbia, SDC [2016]

KENYA: Consultant, PSP4H Private Sector Innovation Programme for Health, DFID  [2016]


  • SDC Small Business and Income Creation Programme, Osh: [2014 - 2016]
  • USAID Agro Horizon Programme, Osh: [2014 - 2016]
  • ICCO & Helvetas Local Market Development Programme, Osh: [2014 – 2015]
  • Gender Focal Point, Osh: [2014 – 2016]