Programa para el desarrollo de competencias sostenibles y amplias (Sudokkho) (ing.)

The Skills and Employment Programme Bangladesh (SEP-B) stimulates the private sector to deliver skills training sustainably and at scale by supporting: private training service-providers to train skills that match industry-demand and facilitate job placementprivate sector firms to deliver innovative training systems and provide employment TVET (Technical and vocational Education and Training) reform agenda of Bangladesh through development of policies and training packages.
Duración del proyecto
2014 - 2019
Financiado por
  • Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación COSUDE
  • Department for International Development (DFID)

El proyecto

Pri­vate sec­tor com­pa­nies in Bangladesh constantly iden­tify low skill lev­el amongst the labour force as one of the fun­da­men­tal con­straints to Bangladeshi growth. The tar­geted Ready Mar­ket Gar­ment and Con­struc­tion sec­tors are grow­ing and face a short­age of skilled work­ers. They have tremen­dous po­ten­tial to ab­sorb labour and offer em­ploy­ment op­por­tu­ni­ties for large num­bers of un­e­d­u­cated men and women.​ SEP-B aims to stim­u­late pri­vate sec­tor in­vest­ment in train­ing for poor peo­ple. Work­ing with the pri­vate sec­tor, the pro­gramme will sup­port the de­vel­op­ment of skills-train­ing mar­ket and in­cen­tivise mar­ket play­ers to in­vest in on-the-job and off-the-job skills train­ing.

SEP-B tar­gets two sec­tors with high growth po­ten­tial and abil­ity to ab­sorb large num­bers of poor peo­ple in skilled and semi-skilled jobs: RMG (Ready Made Gar­ments) and Con­struc­tion (of houses and build­ings) in­clud­ing se­lected input sup­ply chains. Four core prin­ci­ples are cru­cial in build­ing a mu­tu­ally ben­e­fi­cial re­la­tion­ship be­tween pri­vate train­ing providers and em­ploy­ers:

  • Fair and open competition between prospective recipients of funds Targeting of those currently excluded from government training institutes
  • Payment for training providers based on employment outcomes
  • A Market Development Approach, with a focus on market-based solutions of TVET systems

Socios de proyectos

  • Palladium
  • British Council


  • £32.94 million (CHF 38,869,200) additional net income of trained people that can be attributed to the increased skills.
  • 50,844 trained people who earn income in skilled or semi-skilled jobs within six months of completion of Sudokkho-supported training.
  • One construction sector industry skills council demonstrated a leading role in the skills development
  • 73 private training institutes capacitated for adopting the new training programmes.
  • 34 partner private training institutes registered with Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) as competency-based training (CBT) providers, i.e., registered training organisations (RTO) for a minimum of one occupation.
  • 55,979 (men-36,871; women-19,108) private training institute graduates got trained in the Sudokkho training system.
  • £6.90 million (CHF 8,142,000) investment by industry firms/organisations.
  • 36,216 (men-3,482; women-32,734) graduated from Sudokkho supported industry-led training system.
  • 17 training packages developed that are based on Competency Standards (CS) are gender and social Inclusion responsive.
  • 271 qualified assessors (as per BTEB standard).