Projet d'habitat progressif (angl.)

This initiative aims to improve the supply of and access to appropriate services, products and technologies that will enable families in Lima to have better conditions for building or remodelling their homes.
Villa María del Triunfo 
Durée du projet
2023 - 2024
Financé par
  • Hilti Foundation

Inception phase: January 2023- May 2024

Le projet

The Progressive Housing project is a response to the rapid urbanisation in peripheral areas, usually through informal processes. In many cases, urbanisation leads to poor construction due to a lack of professional advice, the use of poorly trained workers and low-quality materials, uninformed owners, and informal land tenure, among other factors.  

Despite these issues, progressive construction is the most widely used way for families in Peru to adapt their housing conditions to the changing characteristics of their homes. 

A holistic view is crucial to find solutions and ways to improve the functioning of the system that involves some 120 million people living in informal settlements. The Progressive Housing project aims to improve the supply of and access to appropriate services, products and technologies that enable the improvement of progressive construction. To this end, it will focus on four major interconnected bottlenecks that prevent families from living in safer and more livable housing and place value on their properties, through the following expected results:  

  1. Improved access to housing finance
  2. Improved construction practices
  3. Introduce innovative, sustainable, and affordable technologies, products, and services
  4. Enabling policies to increase public investments

The strategy is based on a systemic and collaborative approach, which means that we expect that the market actors (the ecosystem) will adopt, adapt and scale solutions and processes. A set of institutions specialised in habitat and housing will implement the solutions, concentrating on a predefined territory.  

This initiative, financed by the Hilti Foundation and facilitated by Swisscontact, aims to establish a collaborative relationship with various specialised organisations who bring together their know-how and resources.  

Objectives du projet

This project has been designed for a period of four years. Prior to this, an initial phase of 17 months will be carried out. During this period, we will seek to validate that a holistic and multi-stakeholder intervention is effective, demonstrating that 

a) the articulated intervention of the members of the alliance in the same territory is effective; and 

b) the set of selected interventions has the potential to improve the quality of housing and the habitability conditions of the beneficiary families.

Partenaires du projet

  • CENAC (Centre for the Study of Construction and Urban and Regional Development)
  • Habitat for Humanity and the Terwilliger Centre
  • Miyamoto
  • ONU Habitat

Résultats attendus

The expected result is that families in the intervention area will live in more safe and adequate houses.

Partenaires de financement

Ce projet est financé par Hilti Foundation. Il fait partie du programme de développement de Swisscontact, cofinancé par la Direction du développement et de la coopération Suisse (DDC), Département fédéral des affaires étrangères DFAE.