The Appropriate Scale Mechanization Consortium (ASMC) in Cambodia aims to assess the performances of appropriate-scale machinery (ASM) for rice farming and diversification with fodder species (i.e., affordability, practicability, efficiency, labor saving). The project focuses on training smallholders, service providers and students on the use of ASM as well as supporting multi-stakeholder initiatives initiating a negotiation process between farmers for the individuals or collective management of fodder sources or crops diversification after wet season rice and scaling up these ASM to reach out more smallholder farmers in Cambodia.
The overall goal is to facilitate the deployment of transformational technologies from conventional technology (CT) to conservation agriculture (CA) through four main technologies including 1. no-till planter, 2. land leveler, 3. seed broadcaster and 4. cover crop, which ultimately improve food production and household income. In the meantime, this project aims to intensify smallholder farmers’ cropping systems and on-farm operations through mechanization in a sustainable manner. Sustainable intensification integrates social, economic and environmental impacts with a specific focus on easing the burden on women.