The Skills Development Team provides technical expertise and support for internal and external clients in advisory services, training, and research, assures the quality of implementation, fosters innovation, and engages in knowledge sharing in its fields of expertise. It engages in discussions and a regular exchange in internal and external networks, and we are passionate about contributing to thought leadership and the positioning of the organisation in the field of Skills Development.
Our understanding of Skills Development includes the core topics of Initial Vocational Education and Training including the link to basic education, Labour Market Insertion, and Upskilling and Reskilling (Lifelong Learning). The team of currently five advisors provides thematic leadership on key areas in our field. We work in close contact with our practitioners and experts working on projects within the organisation in six regions, and we meet regularly for interesting thematic exchanges as part of our global core working groups.
To complement our dynamic and ambitious team in Zurich, we are looking for an experienced, highly motivated, outgoing and client-oriented person who can cover the breadth and manage the diversity of Skills Development and Labour Market Insertion projects as a versatile team member in the role of a Senior Advisor for Skills Development. Start Date is 1st March 2025 (or by agreement).
Swisscontact offers attractive working conditions in an international and multicultural context. We see our work as a joint effort in an agile organizational culture: mutual respect, trust and teamwork.
We look forward to receiving your online application with the following documents in English or German: letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, diplomas and references. Please apply exclusively via the online application portal until 13th January 2025.
Swisscontact es una organización de desarrollo independiente y sin fines de lucro, establecida en 1959 por representantes del sector privado suizo y la sociedad civil.
Nuestro trabajo de cooperación al desarrollo se centra en liberar el potencial de la iniciativa privada en las economías en desarrollo y en las emergentes. Promovemos el desarrollo económico sostenible y generalizado con el objetivo de crear empleos, mejorar las condiciones de vida de todas las personas y elevar el nivel de bienestar general.
Nuestro compromiso está basado en tres pilares: fortalecemos las competencias de las personas para que mejoren sus oportunidades de empleo y sus fuentes de ingresos, mejoramos la competitividad de las empresas para que puedan crecer y fortalecer su resiliencia y promovemos sistemas socioeconómicos que propicien el desarrollo integral por una prosperidad sostenible y generalizada.
La organización actualmente cuenta con más de 130 proyectos en 41 países y unos 1400 empleados. Tiene su sede en Zúrich, Suiza.